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2023-2024 PTA Board Members
President: Brandy Rehrmann
1st Vice President/Volunteer Coordinator: Katrina Beazley
2nd Vice President/Membership Coordinator: Anne Ellery
Treasurer: Sylvia Elledge
Recording Secretary: Debra Dyer
Corresponding Secretary: Shelley Keech
Fundraising & Sponsorship Chair: TBA
Program/Events Chair: TBA
Spirit Gear: Katrina Beazley
School Principal: Joshua Jackson
Historian: Lori Galyon

Teacher Liason K-2: Mrs. Sampson
Teacher Liason 3-5: Mr. Coleman
Reflections Chair: Mrs. Azzarello 

Hospitality Chair: Kim Kennedy

If you would like to join the Pathways PTA Board for the 2024-2025 School Year or if you would like nominate someone to join the board, please download the form and email it here!  

Pathways PTA Awards
Every year, Florida PTA offers several awards and certificates to recognize PTA/PTSA achievement.  We were grateful to receive the following awards for the 22-23 School year

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