Pathways Elementary PTA
PTA Volunteer Opportunities 2024-2025
**List May Change So Check Back Often**
Volunteering on Campus: The needs may vary, but if you volunteer on campus, you may provide assistance to faculty/staff in the Media Center with re-shelving books or will assist Teacher with classroom activities.
​Field Trip Chaperone: Provide supervision for off-campus field trips. Maintained by teacher.
Committee Member: Join a committee or lead a committee for one of our events.
Sponsorship Leader: Reach out to potential business partners to see if they would like to sponsor Pathways PTA or Color Run.
Chick Fil a Book Club: Create a list of all bookmarks and write out certificates for participants.
Dances/Social Events: Activities may include decorating, serving food/refreshments, setting up, cleaning up.
Holiday Shop: Help students with selecting gifts, gift wrapping, and/or classroom delivery.
​Book Fair(s): Assist students with selecting books, man the registers, re-shelf books and other duties as needed.
Teacher Appreciation Week: Assist with hosting events, serving refreshments and/or delivering classroom treats to faculty and staff during.
End of Year Celebration: This is a fun even for kids celebrate the end of the school year. Volunteers are needed to man stations and/or games, serve refreshments, and other duties as needed.