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Patriot Palooza is a fundraiser we are hosting that will replace MegaBlast this year. Therefore 100% of the profits from this fundraiser will go directly to Pathways Elementary School or Pathways PTA. Win Win! This will require work from the PTA, consquently, we need your help!

Whether you can volunteer from home or on campus, we could use your help with this joint Fundraiser! Patriot Palooza begins Oct 21 and goes through Nov 4. We could use your help before that, during it, and after, so plenty of different opportunities to help with! 
The prizes will be Amazing this year! More details to come! 
Fundraiser dates: October 21-November 4
Parent letter, prize list and cash/check envelopes will go home with your child Oct 21st. 

Please email if you are interested in helping in any way. 

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